Kortsinoglou A., Wood M.J., Myridakis A.I., Andrikopoulos M., Roussis A., Eastwood D., Butt T., Kouvelis V.N. 2024. Comparative genomics of Metarhizium brunneum strains V275 and ARSEF 4556: unraveling intraspecies diversity. G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics jkae190. [LINK]
Dervisi I., Koletti A., Agalou A., Haralampidis K., Flemetakis E., Roussis A. 2024. Selenium-Binding Protein 1 (SBP1): A New Putative Player of Stress Sensing in Plants. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25, 9372. [LINK]
Isaioglou Ι., Podia V., Velentzas A.D., Kapolas G., Beri D., Karampelias M., Plitsi P.K., Chatzopoulos D., Samakovli D., Roussis A., Merzaban J., Milioni D., Stravopodis D.J., Haralampidis K. 2024. Functional interaction of APRF1 and HSP90 promotes thermoregulated flowering of A. thaliana under long days. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25(2), pp 1313. [LINK]
Goultiaev A., Koster C., Cames van Batenburg D., Sistermans T., van Belle N., Vijfvinkel D., Roussis A. 2023. Conserved structured domains in plant non-coding RNA enod40, their evolution and recruitment of sequences from transposable elements. Nucleic Acids Research Genomics and Bioinformatics, 5(4), pp 1-15. [LINK]
Dervisi I., Valassakis C., Koletti A., Kouvelis V.N., Flemetakis E., Ouzounis C.A., Roussis A. 2023. Evolutionary aspects of Selenium Binding Protein (SBP). Journal of Molecular Evolution. [LINK]
Dervisi I., Petropoulos O., Agalou A., Podia V., Papandreou N., Iconomidou V.A., Haralampidis K., Roussis A. 2023. The SAH7 Homologue of the Allergen Ole e 1 Interacts with the Putative Stress Sensor SBP1 (Selenium-Binding Protein 1) in Arabidopsis thaliana. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(3), pp 3580. [LINK]
Podia V., Chatzopoulos D., Milioni D., Stravopodis D.J., Dervisi I., Roussis A., Roubelakis-Angelakis K.A., Haralampidis K. 2023. GUS Reporter-Aided Promoter Deletion Analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana POLYAMINE OXIDASE 3. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(3), pp 2317. [LINK]
Koletti A., Dervisi I., Kalloniati C., Zografaki M.A., Rennenberg H., Roussis A*., Flemetakis E*. 2022. Selenium-Binding Protein 1 (SBD1): A stress response regulator in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant Physiology, kiac230. [LINK] Dervisi I, Haralampidis K, Roussis A. 2022. Investigation of the interaction of a papain-like cysteine protease (RD19c) with selenium-binding protein 1 (SBP1) in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Science, 315:111157. [LINK]
Beris D, Podia V., Dervisi I, Kapolas G., Isaioglou I., Tsamadou V., Pikoula L., Rovoli M., Vallianou A., Roussis A., Milioni D., Giannoutsou H., Haralampidis K. 2021. RNAi silencing of the Arabidopsis thaliana ULCS1 gene results in pleiotropic phenotypes during plant growth and development. Int. J. Dev. Biol, 66: pp 177-186. [LINK]
Dervisi I., Valassakis C., Agalou A., Papandreou N., Podia V., Haralampidis K., Iconomidou V.A., Kouvelis V.N., Spaink H.P., Roussis A. 2020. Investigation of the interaction of DAD1-LIKE LIPASE 3 (DALL3) with Selenium Binding Protein 1 (SBP1) in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Science, 291. [LINK]
Valassakis C., Dervisi I., Agalou M., Papandreou N., Kapetsis G., Podia V., Haralampidis K., Iconomidou V., Spaink H.P., Roussis A. 2019. Novel interactions of Selenium Binding Protein family with the PICOT containing proteins AtGRXS14 and AtGRXS16 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Science, 281, pp 102-112. [LINK]
Podia V., Milioni D., Katsareli E., Valassakis C., Roussis A., Haralampidis K. 2018. Molecular and functional characterization of Arabidopsis thalianaVPNB1 Tgene involved in plant vascular development. Plant Science, 277, pp 11-19. [LINK]
Valassakis C., Livanos P., Minopetrou M., Haralampidis K., Roussis A. 2018. Promoter analysis and functional implications of the selenium binding protein (SBP) gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Plant Physiology, 225, pp 19-29. [LINK]
Galeou A., Roussis A., Probona A.2018. Investigation of the Phaseolus vulgaris circadian clock and the repressive role of the PvTOC1 factor by a newly established in vitrosystem. Journal of Plant Physiology, 222, pp 79-85.
Kapolas G., Beris D., Katsareli E., Livanos P., Zografidis A., Roussis A., Milioni D., Haralampidis K. 2016. APRF1 promotes flowering under long days in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Science, 253, pp 141-153.
Beris D., Kapolas G., Livanos P., Roussis A., Milioni D., Haralampidis K. 2016. RNAi-mediated silencing of the Arabidopsis thaliana ULCS1 gene, encoding a WDR protein, results in cell wall modification impairment and plant infertility. Plant Science, 245, pp 71-83.
Gémes K., Kim Y.J., Park K.Y., Moschou P.N., Andronis E., Valassaki C., Roussis A., Roubelakis-Angelakis K.A. 2016. An NADPH-Oxidase/Polyamine Oxidase Feedback Loop Controls Oxidative Burst Under Salinity. Plant Physiology, 172(3), pp1418-1431.
Mellidou I., Moschou P.N., Ioannidis N.E., Pankou C., Gėmes K., Valassakis C., Andronis E.A., Beris D., Haralampidis K., Roussis A., Karamanoli A., Matsi T., Kotzabasis K., Constantinidou H.I., Roubelakis-Angelakis K.A. 2016. Silencing S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine Decarboxylase (SAMDC) in Nicotiana tabacum Points at a Polyamine-Dependent Trade-Off between Growth and Tolerance Responses. Frontiers in Plant Science, 31(7), pp 379.
Gultyaev A.P. & A. Roussis. 2007. Identification of conserved secondary structures and expansion segments in enod40 RNAs reveals new enod40 homologues in plants. Nucleic Acids Research, 35(9), pp 3144-3152.
Agalou A., H.P. Spaink & Roussis A. 2006. Novel interaction of selenium-binding protein with glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and fructose-biphosphate aldolase of Arabidopsis thaliana. Functional Plant Biology, 33(9), pp847-856.
Verheesen P., Roussis A*., de Haard H., Groot A., Stam J., den Dunnen J., Frants R., Verrips T., & S. van der Maarel. 2006. Reliable and controllable antibody fragment selections from Camelid non-immune libraries for target validation. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Proteins & Proteomics, 1764, pp1307-1319.
Agalou A., A. Roussis& Spaink H.P. 2005. The Arabidopsis Selenium Binding Protein confers tolerance to toxic levels of selenium. Functional Plant Biology, 32(10), pp881-890.
Huang Y., Verheesen P., Roussis A., Frankhuizen W., Ginjaar I., Haldane F., Laval S., Anderson L.B.V., Verrips T., Frants R.R., de Haard H., Bushby K., den Dunnen J. and Silvère M. van der Maarel. 2005. Protein studies in dysferlinopathy patients using llama-derived antibody fragments selected by phage display. European Journal of Human Genetics, 13, pp721-730.
Grønlund M.,Roussis A., Flemetakis E., Quaedvlieg N.E.M., Schlaman H.R.M., Umehara Y., Katinakis P., Stougaard J. & H.P. Spaink. 2005. Analysis of Promoter Activity of the Early Nodulin Enod40 in Lotus japonicus. Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions, 18(5), pp414-427.
Andersen S.U., Cvitanich C., Hougaard A., Roussis A., Grønlund M., Jensen B.A., Frøkjær L.A. & E.Ø. Jensen. 2003. The Glucocorticoid-Inducible GVG System Causes Severe Growth Defects in Both Root and Shoot of the Model Legume Lotus japonicus. Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions, 16, pp 1069-1076.
Girard G., Roussis A., Gultyaev A.P., Pleij C.W.A., and Herman H.P. Spaink 2003. Structural motifs in the RNA encoded by the early nodulation gene enod40 of soybean. Nucleic Acids Research, 31, pp 5003-50015.
Roussis A., Flemetakis E., Dimou M., Kavroulakis N., Venieraki A., Aivalakis G., & P. Katinakis. 2003. Nodulin PvNOD33, a putative phosphatase whose expression is induced during Phaseolus vulgaris nodule development. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 41, pp 719-725.
Grønlund M., Gustafsen C., Roussis A., Jensen D., Nielsen L.P., Marcker K.A., & E.Ø. Jensen. 2003. The Lotus japonicus ndx gene family is involved in nodule function and maintenance. Plant Molecular Biology, 52, pp 1-14.
Flemetakis E., Agalou A., Kavroulakis N., Dimou M., Martsikovskaya A., Slater A., Spaink H.P., Roussis A., & P. Katinakis. 2002. Lotus japonicus gene Ljsbp is highly conserved among plants and animals and encodes a homologue to the mammalian selenium-binding proteins. Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions, 15 pp 313-322.
Flemetakis E., Kavroulakis N., Quaedvlieg N., Spaink H.P., Dimou M., Roussis A. & P. Katinakis. 2000. Lotus japonicus contains two distinct ENOD40 genes which are expressed in symbiotic and non-symbiotic tissues including embryos. Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions, 13 pp 987-994.
Schauser L.,Roussis A., Stiller J., & J. Stougaard. 1999. A plant regulator controlling development of symbiotic root nodules. Nature402 pp 191-195.
Roussis A., Papadopoulou K., & P. Katinakis. 1997. NOD3, a novel late nodulin gene from soybean is expressed in the infected cells and the nodule parenchyma. The Journal of Experimental Botany, 48 pp 1011-1017.
Papadelli M., Roussis A., Papadopoulou K., Venieraki A., Chatzipavlidis I., Katinakis P. & C. Balis 1996. Biochemical and molecular characterization of an Azotobacter vinelandii strain with respect to its ability to grow and fix nitrogen in olive mill wastewater. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 38 (3-4) pp 179-181.
Papadopoulou K., Roussis A., & P. Katinakis. 1996. Phaseolus ENOD40 gene is involved in symbiotic and non-symbiotic organogenetic processes: Expression during nodule and lateral root development. Plant Molecular Biology, 30 pp 403-417.
Papadopoulou K., Roussis A., Kuin H. & P. Katinakis. 1995. Expression pattern of uricase II gene in Phaseolus. Experientia51, pp 90-94.
Roussis A., van de Sande K., Papadopoulou K., Drenth J., Franssen H., Bisseling T. & P. Katinakis. 1995. Characterisation of the soybean gene GmENOD40-2. The Journal of Experimental Botany, 46 pp 719.
Economou A.,Roussis A., Millioni D. and P. Katinakis. 1989. Patterns of protein synthesis in the moderately halophilic bacterium Deleya halophilain response to sudden changes in external salinity. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 62, pp 103-110.
Spaink, H. P., C. P. Bras, M. Grønlund, P. van Spronsen, J. W. Kijne, H. R. M. Schlaman, A. Roussis, S. E. Wijting, J. Stougaard, E. Flemetakis, and P. Katinakis. 2002. Responses of Lotus japonicusto Nod Factors, p. 148-152. In: T. M. Finan, M. R. O'Brian, D. B. Layzell, J. K. Vessey, and W. Newton (eds.), Nitrogen fixation: global perspectives. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK.
Schauser L., Roussis A., Cervera J.H. & J. Stougaard. 2000. Nin, a developmental regulator of root nodule initiation in Lotus japonicus. In "Nitrogen Fixation: from molecules to crop productivity", Pedrosa F.O., Hungria M., Yates M.G. and W.E. Newton (eds). Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp 329.
Spaink, H. P., Schlaman, H. R. M., Pacios Bras, C., Roussis, A., Stougaard, J., and Stuurman, N. 2000. The use of GFP to study factors involved in the Lotus japonicussymbiosis, p. 219-222. In: F. O. Pedrosa, M. Hungria, M. G. Yates, and W. E. Newton (eds.), Nitrogen fixation: from molecules to crop productivity. Kluwer Acad. Pub., Dordrecht.
Schauser L., Roussis A., Sandal N., Krussel L., Herrera-Cervera J., Lorite-Ortega M.J., Nielsen A. & J. Stougaard. 2000. Tagging of genes controlling root nodule development in Lotus japonicus. Biology of Plant Microbe Interactions vol. 2, De Wit P.J.G.M., Bisseling T. & Stiekema W. (eds). ISMPMI, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, pp 50-52.
Grønlund Μ., Agalou Α., Rubio Μ.C., Lamers G.E.M., Roussis A. and H.P. Spaink. 2004. Embedding of Lotus japonicusroot and nodule tissue in plastic (BMM): its use in immunocytochemistry and in situ RNA::RNA hybridisation studies. In: Lotus japonicus Handbook. in press
Roussis A. & E. Ø. Jensen. 1998. Detection of rare transcripts (Course Manual). 3rd Nordic Research (NORFA) Course in Plant Molecular Biology: "Regulation of Plant Gene Expression: Approaches and Methods", Helsinki, Finland.
Katinakis P., Papadopoulou K. & A. Roussis. 1994. Nodulin genes. In Reur Technical Series 32, Cotton Biotechnology, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), M. C. Peeters (ed), pp. 75-78.
Papadopoulou, K., Roussis A., and P. Katinakis. 1993. Cytology of bacterial and the plant cell, p. 11-43. In: P. Katinakis (ed.), Molecular Analysis of Plant-Microbe Interacions. EU-NECTAR, Montpellier, France.
Roussis, A., K. Papadopoulou, and P. Katinakis. 1993. Control of gene expression in prokaryotes, p. 47-70. In: P. Katinakis (ed.), Molecular Analysis of Plant-Microbe Interactions. EU-NECTAR, Montpellier, France.
Roussis, A., K. Papadopoulou, and P. Katinakis. 1993. Control of gene expression in eukaryotes, p. 71-100. In: P. Katinakis (ed.), Molecular Analysis of Plant- Microbe Interactions. EU-NECTAR, Montpellier, France.
Papadopoulou, K., Roussis A., and P. Katinakis. 1993. Basic immunochemistry and molecular techniques to study plant-bacterial interaction, In: P. Katinakis (ed.), Molecular Analysis of Plant-Microbe Interactions. EU-NECTAR, Montpellier, France.
Dervisi Irene and Roussis Andreas. (2021) Investigation of Selenium-Binding Protein 1 interactions. Plant Biology Europe, Joint conference by FESPB & EPSO, 28th June - 1st July, Turin, Italy.
Dervisi Irene and Roussis Andreas. (2021) Investigation of the protein interaction of Selenium-binding Protein 1 (SBP1) with a papain-like protease (RD19c) in Arabidopsis thaliana. International E-Conference on Plant Science and Biology, United Research Forum, May 5, London, UK.
Katerina Koletti, Maria-Eleftheria Zografaki, Chrysanthi Kalloniati, Vassilios Iliopoulos, Andreas Roussis, Emmanouil Flemetakis (2019). Oxidative stress responses in microalgae: New lessons learned from higher plants. 70th Annual Conference of the Hellenic Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Athens November 29th - December 1st, 2019. Book of abstracts p.33.
Δερβίση Ε., Βαλασάκη Χ., Χαραλαμπίδης Κ., Ρούσσης Α. (2017) Μελέτη της Φωσφολιπάσης Α1 (AT2G30550) στο φυτό Arabidopsisthaliana. 39ο Συνέδριο Ε.Ε.Β.Ε., Λαμία 25-27 Μαΐου.
Kapolas G, Beris B, Katsareli E, Livanos P, Zografidis A, Roussis A, Milioni D and Haralampidis K (2016) The WD40-repeat protein APRF1 from Arabidopsis thalianais involved in flowering time control. 10th meeting of the Panhellenic Society of Biological Sciences (PSBS), Athens, Greece.
Kapolas G, Beris B, Katsareli E, Livanos P, Zografidis A, Roussis A, Milioni D and Haralampidis K (2016) APRF1 promotes flowering under long days in Arabidopsis thaliana. 67th Hellenic Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (HSBMB) meeting. Ioannina, Greece.
Podia V, Beris D, Valasaki C, Ganis-Spyropoulos C, Roubelakis-Angelakis K, Kotzabasis K, Roussis A, Haralampidis K (2015) Understanding tolerance of plants to abiotic stresses. 37th Hellenic Society for Biological Science (EEBE) meeting. Volos, Greece.
Georgiou A., Valasaki C., Haralampidis K., Roussis A. (2014) Characterization of selenium binding protein 1 (SBP1) in Trigonella foenum graecum (Linn).Plant Biology Europe FESPB/EPSO Congress, Dublin, Ireland.
Katsavou E., Beri D., Kapolas G., Roussis A., Milioni D. and Haralampidis K. (2014) The plant specific UBA1 gene from Arabidopsis thalianaencodes a UBA-like protein involved in the vegetative to reproductive phase transition during plant development. 36th Hellenic Society for Biological Science (EEBE) meeting. Ioannina, Greece.
Valasaki C., Haralampidis K., Roussis A. (2014) SBPs, a gene family of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana with differential expression during normal development but with common responses in the presence of cadmium and selenium. 36th Hellenic Society for Biological Science (EEBE) meeting. Ioannina, Greece.
Valasaki C., Haralampidis K., Roussis A. (2013) SBP3, a root-specific gene involved in abiotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. 13rd Scientific meeting of Hellenic Botanical Society (EBE). Rethymnon, Crete, Greece, October 3-6.
Orfanidou A., Podia V., Tsiri D., Matsouka I., Beri D., Roussis A., Chinou I., Ganis- Spyropoulos K. and Haralapmidis K. (2013) Isolation of terpenoid and flavonoid biosynthetic genes from Fenugreek. 11th International Meeting on Biosynthesis, Function and Biotechnology of Isoprenoids in Terrestrial and Marine Organisms, Kolymvari, Crete, Greece, June 1-5.
Valasaki C., Minopetrou M., Haralampidis K. and Roussis A. (2013) OXIDATIVE STRESS DIFFERENTIALLY REGULATES THE EXPRESSION OF SBP GENES IN ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA. Hellenic Society for Biological Science (EEBE) meeting. Nafplion, Greece.
Minopetrou M., Manthakou P., Skamaki K., Valasaki C., Haralampides K., Hamodrakas K. and Roussis A. (2012) Promoter analysis of SBP (selenium binding protein) genes in Arabidopsis thalianaand homology modeling of AtSBP1. Plant Biology Congress, Freiburg, Germany (jointly organized by FESPB and EPSO), P-9-035, pp. 662.
Haralampidis,Κ, Roussis, Α, Chinou, I, and Ganis-Spyropoulos C (2012). The origin of copper-induced medicarpin accumulation and its potential involvement in a general metal and metalloid detoxification mechanism. Plant Engine COST Action FA1006,"Plant Natural Products - From Science to Bioproducts", 2nd Annual Meeting, Cluj, Romania.
Minopetrou M, Valasaki C, Haralampidis K and Roussis A (2012) Promoter analysis of SBP genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. 34th Hellenic Society for Biological Science (EEBE) meeting. Trikala, Greece.
Skamaki K, Georgiou A, Haralampidis K and Roussis A (2012) Differential regulation of SBP gene expression in Arabidopsis thalianaduring abiotic stress. 34th Hellenic Society for Biological Science (EEBE) meeting. Trikala, Greece.
Podia V, Katsareli E, Milioni D, Haralampidis K (2012) Molecular and functional characterization of an “arm” repeat protein from Arabidopsis thaliana. 34th Hellenic Society for Biological Science (EEBE) meeting. Trikala, Greece.
Mperi D, Kapolas G, Roussis A, Milioni D and Haralampidis K (2012) AtLFL1 and AtULC1 are two homologous WD40 repeat proteins with distinctive regulatory function in plant development. 34th Hellenic Society for Biological Science (EEBE) meeting. Trikala, Greece.
Skamaki K, El Khatabi M, Agalou A, Haralampides K, Verrips CT and Roussis A (2011) In planta interactions of SBP1 (Selenium binding protein 1) of Arabidopsis thaliana. 12th Hellenic Botanical Society (EBE) meeting. Rethymno, Greece.
Matsouka I, Beri D, Chinou I, Roussis A, Haralampidis K and Ganis-Spyropoulos C (2011) Medicarpin: A molecule in the defensive arsenal of Papillonoideae. 12th Hellenic Botanical Society (EBE) meeting. Rethymno, Greece.
Mperi D, Kapolas G, Roussis A, Milioni D and Haralampidis K (2011) Functional characterization of two A. thalianaWD40 repeat proteins. 12th Hellenic Botanical Society (EBE) meeting. Rethymno, Greece.
Matsouka I, Glykofrydi A, Chinou I, Roussis A, Haralampidis K and Ganis-Spyropoulos C (2010) Heavy metals induce the medicarpin biosynthetic pathway in roots of fenugreek seedlings and the transport system responsible for its secretion. 32nd Hellenic Society for Biological Science (EEBE) meeting. Karpenisi, Greece.
Roussis, A. 2008. Single-domain antobody fragments: “a small-and-beautiful” proteomics toolbox. 1st Mikrοbiokosmos Conference, 12-14 Dec, Athens, Greece. pp204-205.
A. Agalou, E. Salas-Vidal, Xi Cheng, J. van den Oever, A. Roussis and H. P. Spaink. Study of the Selenium Binding Protein in Zebrafish. 2005. 4th European Zebrafish Genetics and Developmant Meeting, Dresden, Germany,13th-16th July.
S. van der Maarel, P. Verheesen, A. Roussis, Y. Huang, S. van Koningsbruggen, J. den Dunnen, Ρ. Frants, H. de Haard and T. Verrips. 2004. Heavy-chain antibody fragments for proteomic applications in muscular dystrophies. New Directions in Biology and Disease of Skeletal Muscle. Paradise Point Resort, San Diego, California, USA, 25th-27th January.
Roussis A., Schlaman H.R.M., Stougaard J. & Herman P. Spaink .2000. A promoter trap approach in Lotus japonicus. Molecular Genetics of Model Legumes: Impact for Legume Biology and Breeding, John Innes Centre Norwich, UK, 24th-28th June, pp 108.
Grønlund M., Roussis A., Schlaman H., Quaedvlieg N. & H. Spaink. 2000. The use of reporter genes to study molecular responses during the rhizobia-legume interaction. 3rd International Congress on Symbiosis, 13th-19th August, Philipps-Univesitat Marburg, Germany, Weber H.C., Imhof S. & Zeuske D. (eds), pp 80.
Spaink H., Schlaman H. R. M., Roussis A., Grønlund M., Diaz C., Pacios Bras C., Wijting S., Stuurman N. & J. Stougaard. 2000. Analysis of Nod factor function using reporter gene constructs in Lotus japonicus. EuroConference Molecular Genetics of Model Legumes: Impact for Legume Biology and Breeding. Supported by the European Commission, Research DG Human Potential Programme, High-Level Scientific Conferences Contract Number HPCF-CT-1999-00015 Project coordinator: Dr. Martin Parniske, John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK 24th-28th June 2000, pp60.
Grønlund M., Jørgensen J.E., Nielsen L. P., Roussis A., Marcker K. A. & E. Østergaard Jensen. 2000. Down-regulation of the homeobox gene Ljndx,affects nodule development and maintenance in Lotus japonicus. EuroConference Molecular Genetics of Model Legumes: Impact for Legume Biology and Breeding. Supported by the European Commission, Research DG Human Potential Programme, High-Level Scientific Conferences Contract Number HPCF-CT-1999-00015 Project coordinator: Dr. Martin Parniske, John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK 24th-28th June 2000, pp83.
Roussis A., Schauser L. & J. Stougaard. 1999.Towards a molecular and genetic dissection of root nodule development. Hellenic Biochemical and Biophysical society, Athens, Greece.
Schauser L., Roussis A., Nielsen A. & J. Stougaard. 1999. Genetic dissection of root nodule development in the legume Lotus japonicus. Keystone Symposium on Molecular and Cellular Biology, "Interactions and Intersections in Plant Signalling Pathways", pp.45 (228), February 8-14, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, USA.
Hansen A.C., Grønlund M., Jørgensen J.E., Cvitanich C., Johansson C., Roussis A., Marcker K.A. & E. Ø. Jensen. 1998. Characterization of trans-acting factors regulating nodulin gene expression. 3rd European Nitrogen Fixation Conference, September 20-24, De Blije Werelt Lunteren, The Netherlands.
Roussis A., Esbensen P., Pallisgaard N., Marcker K.A. & E. Ø. Jensen. 1998. Antisense inhibition of the leghemoglobin trans-acting factor LBF1 in Lotus japonicus. 20th Congress of the Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, May 28-31, Samos, Greece.
Roussis A., Larsen K., Schauser L., Pajuelo E. & J. Stougaard. 1998. Ac/Ds and T-DNA tagging in Lotus japonicus. 20th Congress of the Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, May 28-3, Samos, Greece.
Jørgensen J.E., Grønlund M., Chemnitz Hansen A., Roussis A., Christiansen H., Pallisgaard N., Larsen K., Marcker K.A. & E. Ø. Jensen. 1997. Transcription factors functioning in nodule development. Phytosphere ’97, Plant Technology Transfer Events, Dublin, Ireland.
Roussis A., Esbensen P., Pallisgaard N., Marcker K.A. & E. Ø. Jensen. 1997. LBF-1: A putative trans-active factor of leghemoglobin genes. 11th International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation, July 20-25, Institute Pasteur, Paris, France, 06.37, pp 88.
Flemetakis M., Kavroulakis N., Papadopoulou K., Roussis A., Konstandi O., Kenoutis C & P. Katinakis. 1996. Expression of the early nodulin ENOD2and the late nodulin NOD30in Phaseolus vulgaris. Hellenic Botanical Society, Cyprus.
Roussis A., Papadopoulou K. & P. Katinakis. 1996. Expression pattern of NOD3during nodule development in soybean. Hellenic Botanical Society, Cyprus.
Roussis A. & P. Katinakis 1994. Characterization of the Enod40gene in soybean. Hellenic Biochemical & Biophysical Society Newsletter, No 35, pp. 35.
Roussis A., Papadopoulou K., Flemetakis M., Kavroulakis N. & P. Katinakis. 1994. Structure and function of nodulins in soybean and Phaseolus. Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences Newsletter, pp. 9.55.
Roussis A. & P. Katinakis. 1993. Peribacteroid membrane proteins in soybean. Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences Newsletter, pp 341.
Papadopoulou, Roussis A. & P. Katinakis. 1992. The ENOD40gene in legumes.